What We Do

Goal 1

Increase access and opportunity for outdoor experiences and environmental education.

MEEA strives to provide resources, training, scholarships, and knowledge while acknowledging and advancing the value of environmental educators’ time and experience. 

Goal 2

Provide funding for environmental education in Montana. 

MEEA supports environmental education financially by connecting our community to funding sources. Additionally, MEEA secures its own funding to provide resources and programming to our members. This work includes sustaining the MEEA Mini-Grant program and more.

Goal 3

Facilitate connections and build relationships within the environmental education community.

MEEA creates and fosters relationships among formal, non-formal educators, environmental education institutions, pre-service teaching students, and other community partners. These relationships are fostered through networking events and a range of MEEA communication outlets. 

Goal 4

Provide educators a variety of professional development opportunities.

Every year MEEA facilitates an Annual Conference to bring together new ideas, new partners, share information, and connect environmental educators from all over Montana. MEEA endeavors to ensure the annual conference, along with smaller professional development events (link to “PD & Networking”), are designed to be inclusive, equitable, diverse, just, and culturally appropriate.

Goal 5

Provide information and resources to support the environmental education community.

MEEA knows our state boasts a wealth of environmental educators and organizations. Furthermore, our field is full of amazing resources. We aim to make sure our community knows what resources are available and how to access them.

MEEA board members work on committees to make progress on projects that address our five strategic goals. See something you’re passionate about here? Fill out our contact form and let us know how you’d like to be involved.

Equity Committee
Focus: Board Development


  • Anne – Committee Chair
  • Rebecca 
  • Emily

Collaboration Committee
Focus: MEEA Meet Ups, Mini Grants, & Annual Awards


  • Teal– Committee Chair
  • Kyle

Professional Development Committee
Focus: Conference Planning, Regional Professional Development Opportunities


  • Emily– Committee Chair
  • Stephanie
  • Naomi 
  • Anne

Funding Committee
Focus: Grants and Membership


  • Rose– Committee Chair
  • Emily 
  • Stephanie 
  • Rebecca

Communications Committee
Focus: Website Maintenance, Social Media, Newsletter


  • Carolyn– Committee Chair
  • Naomi-
  • Kyle- 
  • Rebecca

Executive Committee
